Saturday, September 22, 2012

May. Busy bees!

Micaiah's 5th "Angry Bird" Birthday at the Science Museum. Adelynn loves playing with all the dinosaurs there.

Juliette wasn't so crazy about the water.
Dogwood Festival 2012

Adelynn & Sophia are the stars of the show!

Here we are at Garrett Gilliam's 6th birthday party.

Don't worry- it's just cream soda!

Sister, WHAT are you doing?

Adelynn's graduation!!! Our baby is going to kindergarten... where did the time go??

Micaiah snapping pictures of his girl. How cute is he?

Wesley Preschool class if 2012!! We will miss you Ms Lisa.

Put me in the Zoo!
The girls & I went to the Nashville Zoo with our friends Jeanell, Sam, and baby Annabel. The weather was great and the kids were... well, the weather was GREAT!

Get it? LORIkeets. Tee hee hee!

Sam & Adelynn hiding in the bamboo like monkies.

Here is Juliette crawling in (for lack of a better description) a padded room! It was great for babies and little ones.

This was probably the neatest playground I have ever seen. It was HUGE! We actually lost 2 children for a short period of time...

Why, yes. Juliette DID enjoy the zoo.

Bittersweet moment:

Adelynn's LAST day at preschool...

Here we are playing at the park with our friends Elizabeth and Isabella.
It's Isabella's first trip to the park!

Mary and Adam Harris came and stayed the night with us on their way back home to Michigan. Mary and I have been friends since elementary school. It was good to see them and Adelynn just fell in LOVE with Adam. You guys are going to be great day :)

September first.

September 1st. A lot of things happened on September 1st this year. Christophe and I celebrated another year of being married, my best friend Sherry got married, but on this September 1st a new life was brought into the world.
 Our little cousin Brooklyn was born. She was 8 weeks early and has been in the NICU since she arrived. Richard and Morgan Waters are the parents of this sweet girl. She weighs 4 pounds even.

 Her test results came back yesterday. Brooklyn is missing her 15th chromosome.
 This is called prader-willi/angleman syndrome which causes mental retardation. The extent of mental retardation can be mild to severe and will only be known over time.
 Keep this family in your thoughts as they digest what is happening and learn how to care for their new baby. In the mean time, if anyone has any preemie girls clothes they are willing to donate, please contact me.
 Pray she gets to come home soon.

August means back to school!

Dancing the night away at Sweet Tooth Theater. We all had so much fun getting dresses up and going out with friends. Thanks Jen and Mark for an awesome night!

Juliett's 1st day of preschool.
Adelynn's 1st day of kindergarten.
Adelynn and Micaiah got to walk into school together on their first day... leaving their mommies behind... so sad. Not really... but yes. Bittersweet. Why do they have to grow up?

 Singing in the rain

Discovering dead bugs together. Fun stuff!