Sunday, May 2, 2010

High School Musical

Friday April 30 I took Adelynn and Micaiah to see their first play
at Clark Memorial Elementary.

Afterward we got lunch and headed to the lake to play for a bit.

Adelynn said she was "too tired" to carry her bag back to the car,
so Micaiah being a little gentleman carried it for her.

Just hanging out (literally) talking about what toys they were going
to play with when they got back to the house.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Spring Break 2010

We sent our 1973 cloth faced "Little Person" off to Bath Camp at Babyland General. Here is Adelynn receiving her baby back.

Adelynn with cousins Desiree, Chloe, Mattison, Cassidy & Morgan. They were all so well behaved, it made the trip a lot of fun.So while on spring break in Georgia we took our cousins, Uncle Evan & our baby to visit the all new Babyland General Hospital in Cleveland GA.After Babyland we headed to Helen where we had lunch and a snack. They all loved the fountain.We went down to the river to dip our feet in and take a break from the heat. Several of the girls "accidentally" fell in the water... so we just smiled and let them play.Adelynn and Chloe are 2 months apart in age.

Shopping with Chrissie

Got a chance to catch up with some old friends...

Amber's daughters Zoe and Leah, holding hands with Adelynn. Kyla is up ahead.

Kristen Myers & Amber Anderson