Thursday, December 15, 2011

Pay It Forward

I must say I've had fun this month giving gifts to strangers. I had a surplus of necklaces I had made over the years that hadn't been selling so I took them and wrapped them up and put a card inside that simply said "Pay it Forward". I did about 13-15 of these and I put them in a bag in my car. When we go through a drive-thru I give one to the person at the window (lol, unless it's a guy). We do the same at the bank, the utilities, and anywhere else we venture. The look on their faces makes it all worth it. I've even gotten Adelynn in on the action, getting her to run up and leave a gift here and there. I hope the recipients understand the meaning and do unto others.

Thanksgiving with the Williams/ Waters (Mom's side of the family.)

Saturday, November 19, 2011

The Season of Giving

We're getting started a little early on the giving part of holiday season. After having a talk about helping sick children Adelynn agreed to have her hair cut and donate it. I'm not sure if she understood everything I told her, but the 'helping other children' part made her smile.

Locks of Love is a public non-profit organization that provides hairpieces to financially disadvantaged children in the United States and Canada under age 21 suffering from long-term medical hair loss from any diagnosis. They meet a unique need for children by using donated hair to create quality hair prosthetics. Most of the children helped by Locks of Love have lost their hair due to a medical condition called alopecia areata, which has no known cause or cure. The prostheses they provide helps to restore their self-esteem and their confidence, enabling them to face the world and their peers.

They need 10 inches minimum to make a wig. Find out more at:

Maybe you could consider donating if your hair is long enough :)

Measuring... Cutting...


She asked "Can I take it home?".

The new Adelynn!

Monday, November 14, 2011

Out of the mouths of babes

Adelynn pauses in the middle of getting dressed in the bathroom when she notices a new soap dispenser in the shape of a Christmas tree and says (with her pants and panties around her ankles): "I'm going to say a prayer about that!" So, eyes closed, hands together, head bowed, naked from the ankles up she says "Thank you God for Christmas trees, and my friends and soap. Amen."

"Adelynn, you're going to end up with a spanking tonight, I can feel it!"

Adelynn: "feel what?"

"Mommmmmyyyy, get me sompthin' to eat before I diiiiiieeeeee."

Adelynn crawled in bed with me one morning and put her head on my

pillow and said "I'm proud of you Mommy!"

"Do you have a weiner like daddy?"

While getting dressed Adelynn picks out a shirt:

"Do you think Miss Lisa (her teacher) will like it?"

Brown nosing?

So we did our family pictures yesterday and Santa was there. Once he finally got Adelynn to sit down and tell him what she wanted she told him all she wanted was a box with her kittens in it. You know, the kittens I had to find homes for when I was pregnant. *sigh* She really knows how to make me feel terrible. She actually CRIED about the kittens today. Anyone know where I can find a sphinx?

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

October & Halloween Fun

Little Monkette

David, Jeanell and Sam Weintraub's Halloween party

Oh you party animal, you!

I just noticed... is Adelynn driving? Scary!

Waiting in line to bust the pinata.

Play it Adelynn "RAY"nal!

Adelynn loves geckos.

Look who's smiling now!

Adelynn got to make her mark at Clark Memorial Elementary.

Notice anything batty about this photo?

Happy fall, ya'll.


I don't know.

Troy, Jen, Josh, Andrew, and Laura Hixon's Halloween par-tay

Fog machine!

Chris likey margaritas.

Happy 38th birthday Christophe!

We got to spend some fun time with fun friends.

Melissa "multi tasking". Talent, pure talent.

Trick or treating on the square with Wesley Preschool.

Happy Halloween!

Sweet little bees!