Thursday, August 25, 2011

Pick a name already!

A few weeks back, when we still hadn't decided on a name

we told Christophe no dinner until he picked out a name. Tee hee hee.

Well it was funny at the time!

Practice makes perfect.


It's almost time! 8 more days and she will be here.
Planned c-section on September 2 at noon.
That is, unless she decides to come on her own before then!

Friday, August 5, 2011

Baby's BIRTH Date

The bad thing about seeing multiple doctors is that you receive multiple answers on just about everything. One seems very concerned about the diabetes, the other not so much, one says, we'll take the baby early between 35-38 weeks, the other says lets plan on going at 39 weeks. Oh my. I'm exhausted. Mentally, physically drained. Now we just play the waiting game. Today I had a vaginal exam and I am not effacing or dilating or any of that good stuff. We did get a c-section date of September 2nd though. This will be at 38 weeks and 5 days. The one good thing about this later date is that it still gives me time to go into labor on my own. Alas, there is still a chance at a V-BAC. Not sure if I should put a question mark or a period here. I stay confused with what the doctors tell me, lol.

There. Now you are as informed as I am. They also did a strep-b test today. My guess is that it will be positive like it was with Adelynn. In the meantime, I'm just trying to keep out of the heat and get things priced for our local children's consignment sale.

Adelynn's open house is this Monday and she will start her 3rd year of school at Wesley Preschool on Tuesday. I can't say that I'm sad it's time for school again because going to the doctor alone will be much easier then dragging a bored 4 year old along. Those of you that have 2 or more kids know what I'm talking about!

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Fetal Fibronectin Test

Today I went to have my weekly non-stress test at the hospital and the nurse informed me that Dr. Pettes would like for me to have a fFN test. A what? Yeah, I had to look it up, too. They took blood from my cervix (not the most comfortable thing) to see if I would be going into preterm labor or if we needed to decide on a date for a c-section. It came back negative which apparently means no possibility of labor within the next 2 weeks. Soooo, I see Dr. Pettes tomorrow for a pelvic exam (joy!) and I guess we'll be setting a date to meet our new little girl! Exciting & scary! We'll see what happens.

for a better explanation