Monday, October 22, 2012


At our 4th of July craft show I set up a 'game' for Adelynn to man to keep her occupied for the day. I told her she could keep all the proceeds. I didn't think it would do well, maybe a few dollars... enough to make her happy. Well, I'll be darned if our girl didn't know how to work it! She flashed her smile, asked everyone who walked by if they would like to 'go fishing' for $1, used her charm, sometimes demanded, turned on all her 'cute' and turned a profit of $61 all BY HERSELF.

You go girl. You go.

 1st 4th of July
 Paint night with the girls @ Jen's house
 Ah summer...
 We finally had our Carport rebuilt this month, we also had a concrete pad poured so we'd have a 'patio' of sorts. We built a cat hangout with our scraps, complete with spiral staircase. 2 or our 3 cats approve and give it 4 paws up.
 What is summer if you can't get messy with friends? Adelynn and Garrett enjoy experimenting with pasta and sauces. They created 'masterpieces" and even ate some of it.
 Sisterly love. Sort of.

 Visited with cousins while we were in GA for a visit.
 Here is Morgan, pregnant with Brooklyn.
 Adelynn takes a painting class with Miss Jen in Tullahoma.
 I took Adelynn and friends to the pool for a last HOORAH before school started back.
 Ava, Adelynn, Coleman, & Garrett.
 Juliette starts walking. 9 1/2 months.
 Learned how to blow kisses, too!

 Here we are with the Weintraub's again for a summer potluck pool party.

Now not everything in July was great. On July 30, Christophe lost his job of 14 years. We went through some pretty scary times. It's hard to think you might not be able be able to provide for your children. Let me also tell you- I feel sorry for the poor folks who can't find work right away because the government was no help at all. We still- even though we applied the day after this happened- have not see an unemployment check (this is October).  Luckily karma was good to us and Christophe found a job with Nissan just a month after this happened. This one comes with benefits and insurance. Christophe is happy there and we don't miss the farm NOT ONE LITTLE BIT. We have some good memories on the farm, it's what has shaped our lives together for the last 10+ years. It's the reason we moved to TN. So, in short, we are thankful to have had the job in this economy BUT good Riddance Silverbait. You have made the last 3 years hell.

On a lighter note I also went back to work at Wesley Preschool at FUMC .....shaping young minds. Juliette comes with me! We are there just 2 days a week.